On this albulm cover you see 2 grime artist standing with their umbrella over their heads. This is linked with the title of their albulm called Tsunami.
Although its small to see , their is a parental advisory logo situated bottom left of the albulm which is something common in all Grime Genre Albulms.
Although there is turrental rain coming down you can still still the estate blocks in the background which is another subject linked with grime.The artist are both standing together which inplies that they are a double act together and that most of their music is going to be together/ a split part.
The person on the left ( KREPT) is dressed in black glasses , a gucci scarf and a gucci hat. He is wear expensive clothing which can suggest that he/they are successful and wealth.
The person on the right (KONAN) is dressed in Ralph Lauren which links back to wealth and being successful as Gucci and Ralph are expensive name brands to accquire.
The Words ' Play Dirty ' can suggest that their album is almost like breaking the rules for e.g they go all out in their album/ on their tracks .