This is the first shot we have decided to shoot in our music video. We are inspired by the way he is situated as not only is he sitting in nice clothes but he also is putting on his hood and listening to his i pod which indicates youth and a grime theme type lif
estyle. In this shot we see that he is in an expensive location we see an expensive shaped star lig
htswhich indicates wealth and also he stereotypical well-known and high classed artist.
Shot Taken From - Chris Brown - Gimmie That

In this 2nd shot you can see that it is the same artist but he has fallen asleep and his costume has changed. We are going to elaborate on this idea and use it to show a dream world for our artist. The transformation from the 1st shot ( where he is in a hoodie , his ipod out , chains and watches on show) in the transforms into a shot where he is in mainstream costume in a nice suit which is breaking the stereotypical grime perspective.
Shot take from - Chris Brown - Gimmie That

he is looking in a mirror looking at himself and give that effect that he is thinking on what to do with his life and can his transformation from a thuggish look into a more mainstream
smart professional look suits him and if he can make it as an successful artist.
Shot Taken From - Kano - Typical ME
This close up shot is a good shot that we felt that we should include as it gets the audience to connect with the artist and also feel that connection through the eye contact of the artist. A close up shot takes all the attention off his costume of his accessories such as chains and rings and puts the attention on just his face.

Shot Taken From - Kano - Ps and Qs
This shot shows an angled shot of the artist giving the audience a visual on his top half costume and also the environment he is in. You can see the setting and also the time of day of when the video is being shot.

Shot Taken From - Kano - Ps and Qs

<------ This is an establishing shot where you get to see the whole costume of the artist and the whole scenery which is behind him. This is an important shot because in our production we are going to have him in nice clothes but walking in the slums which is almost like a tension between if the artist wants to carry on being a gangster or being successful.
Some good use of ML here. JIN